<   L5 數量不定代名詞 文法題庫   >


( )1. All of the juice in our store ________ fresh. (1)are  (2)be  (3)am (4)is 
( )2. Will ________ of Jason’s parents take him to a foreign country next month? (1)three  (2)both  (3)much (4)all 
( )3. ________ of the food in the restaurant ________ delicious. (1)All;is  (2)All;are  (3)Many;is  (4)Some;are
( )4. One of the boys in our class ________ from the USA. (1)come  (2)coming  (3)comes  (4)to come
( )5. I will invite ________ of my friends for dinner on New Year’s Eve. (1)any (2)much  (3)some  (4)every 
( )6. All of my friends ________ good at playing video games. (1)am  (2)are  (3)is (4)being 
( )7. Does everyone enjoy ________ at the party? (1)them  (2)us (3)themselves  (4)ourselves 
( )8. ________ of Ken’s parents work in the hospital. (1)Both  (2)All (3)One  (4)Two 
( )9. Not all of the foreign teachers here come from the USA. Only ________ do. (1)both of them  (2)some of them (3)each of them  (4)much of them 
( )10. ________ of my students go to the gym to play basketball every afternoon. (1)A little  (2)Everyone (3)One  (4)Several 
( )11. Both of Bill’s sisters ________ the MRT to work. (1)to take  (2)taking (3)take  (4)takes 
( )12. All of the tea in this restaurant ________ from the UK. It tastes different. (1)come  (2)comes  (3)coming  (4)to come
( )13. ________ of his feet got hurt when he played basketball yesterday. (1)Two  (2)Both  (3)All  (4)Many
( )14. I love the black gloves more than the white ________. (1)ones  (2)one  (3)it (4)glove 
( )15. ________ of the students in my class play basketball. (1)One (2)Many  (3)Much  (4)Any 
( )16. Some of the students ________ dancing after school. (1)practices  (2)practicing  (3)to practice (4)practice 
( )17. Most of ________ in this store taste delicious, but I don’t buy them very often. (1)the cookies (2)cookie  (3)cookies  (4)the cookie 
( )18. Mom told me to prepare lunch and dinner by ________ last night. (1)I (2)me  (3)myself  (4)my 
( )19. ________ of the students in our school has to get into their classroom at 7 every morning. (1)Every (2)Each  (3)All  (4)Most 
( )20. Most of the fish at UNeed Mart ________ more expensive. Let’s go to another supermarket. (1)have  (2)has  (3)are  (4)is


1.主詞all of the juice為不可數,視為單數,故be動詞用is。
4.主詞one of the boys為單數,故用單數動詞comes。
5.some of my friends 我的一些朋友,any用於疑問或否定。
6.主詞all of my friends為複數,故用be動詞are。
16.主詞some of the students為複數,後面加上原形動詞。
19.has to 主詞應是單數。
20.雖然fish字尾沒有加es,但一個超市所賣的魚,必然不只有一尾。在UNeed Mart中所賣的魚大部分都很貴,當然是為複數,故最適當的答案為(C)。雖在中文裡有「這家店的魚『有』比較貴的用法,但在英文中,空格後的expensive是為形容詞「昂貴的」,就不能用have/has(有)這個動詞。