<台積電TSMC一百句常用英語(亂數選5句) >


The paint is not yet dry.1. 油漆還未乾。(45)
The right to vote is a base civil right.2. 選舉權是公民的一項基本權利。(29)
Press this button to start the engine.3. 按此鈕發動引擎。(69)
She never speaks ill of anyone in his or her absence.4. 她從不乘人不在時說別人的壞話。(78)
My son is a stamp collector.5. 我兒子是集郵愛好者。(77)

001.【The paint is not yet dry.】002.【The right to vote is a base civil right.】003.【Press this button to start the engine.】004.【She never speaks ill of anyone in his or her absence.】005.【My son is a stamp collector.】