<(1-25-25)-期中英英句字填空(106題) >


foundational1. Sounds like you have a strong set of_______ skills to work with.(15)
excel   KK[ɪkˋsɛl]   DJ[ikˋsel]2. Along with native-level fluency in English, I______ at shepherding ideas from innovation to execution.
I have an analytical mind, and I can juggle many details and projects With grace.
in no time3. Jerry became famous________ when his band's records started well internationally.
on spur-of-the-moment4. As your job depends_________ creativity and fluid thinking, we have a few offbeat questions.
leveraging5. I now have a toolbox of skills that includes web analytics,_____ social media to build brand presence,creating compelling content, and compiling industry trends.
a bit6. Welcome, Tyler. Please tell us_____ about yourself.(2)
learn the ropes7. All new employees are assigned a mentor to help them _______.
game   KK[gem]   DJ[geim]8. Sounds fun! I'm ____.(24)
internship9. I'm a new graduate with ______experience in marketing and public relations.(3)
speculative fiction10. I enjoy following market trends, doing industry research, and reading_______.(4)
in sync11. Wonderful! You seem truly _______ with our mission here at EcoGlow International.(1)
shepherding12. Along with native-level fluency in English, I excel at _______ ideas from innovation to execution.
I have an analytical mind, and I can juggle many details and projects With grace.
refreshing   KK[rɪˋfrɛʃɪŋ]   DJ[riˋfreʃiŋ]13. It's______ to see such a well-rounded applicant!(6)
compiling14. I now have a toolbox of skills that includes web analytics,leveraging social media to build brand presence,creating compelling content, and______ industry trends.
juggle15. Along with native-level fluency in English, I excel at shepherding ideas from innovation to execution.
I have an analytical mind, and I can____ many details and projects With grace.
in-house16. I'd wager you could learn the ropes for our_______ marketing methods in no time.
in synch17. All of the performer's movements were______ with the music.(10)
compelling   KK[kəmˋpɛlɪŋ]   DJ[kəmˋpeliŋ]18. I now have a toolbox of skills that includes web analytics,leveraging social media to build brand presence,creating _____ content, and compiling industry trends.
great fit19. Your values do seem like a _____. Let's talk about experience.(9)
well-rounded applicant20. It's refreshing to see such a________ !(7)
fluency   KK[ˋfluənsɪ]   DJ[ˋflu:ənsi]21. Along with native-level _____ in English, I excel at shepherding ideas from innovation to execution.
I have an analytical mind, and I can juggle many details and projects With grace.
attracted22. Agreed! What initially______ you to this job?(8)
ideal   KK[aɪˋdiəl]   DJ[aiˋdiəl]23. If you were a superhero, what would your____ superpowers be?(25)
crossminton unwind24. I play ______ and paint portraits of my dog to_____.(5)
internship25. What would you say is the most valuable thing you learned during your_______ experience?

001.【foundational】002.【excel】003.【in no time】004.【on spur-of-the-moment】005.【leveraging】
006.【a bit】007.【learn the ropes】008.【game】009.【internship】010.【speculative fiction】
011.【in sync】012.【shepherding】013.【refreshing】014.【compiling】015.【juggle】
016.【in-house】017.【in synch】018.【compelling】019.【great fit】020.【well-rounded applicant】
021.【fluency】022.【attracted】023.【ideal】024.【crossminton unwind】025.【internship】