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(1)1.[介系詞] 比; 超過; [連接詞] 比較      (1881)
(1) than   KK[ðæn]   DJ[ðæn]
(2) thank   KK[θæŋk]   DJ[θæŋk]
(3) Thanksgiving   KK[͵θæŋksˋgɪvɪŋ]   DJ[͵θæŋksˋgiviŋ]
(4) that   KK[ðæt]   DJ[ðæt]
(1)2.[動詞] 感謝; [名詞] 感謝;謝意;謝辭      (1882)
(1) thank   KK[θæŋk]   DJ[θæŋk]
(2) Thanksgiving   KK[͵θæŋksˋgɪvɪŋ]   DJ[͵θæŋksˋgiviŋ]
(3) that   KK[ðæt]   DJ[ðæt]
(4) that's
(1)3.[名詞] 感恩節      (1883)
(1) Thanksgiving   KK[͵θæŋksˋgɪvɪŋ]   DJ[͵θæŋksˋgiviŋ]
(2) that   KK[ðæt]   DJ[ðæt]
(3) that's
(4) the   KK[ðə]   DJ[ðə]
(1)4.[形容詞] 那;那個; [副詞] 那樣,那麼; [連接詞] 以致; [代名詞] 那人;那事      (1884)
(1) that   KK[ðæt]   DJ[ðæt]
(2) that's
(3) the   KK[ðə]   DJ[ðə]
(4) theater   KK[ˋθɪətɚ]   DJ[ˋθiətə]
(1)5.[縮短形] that is      (1885)
(1) that's
(2) the   KK[ðə]   DJ[ðə]
(3) theater   KK[ˋθɪətɚ]   DJ[ˋθiətə]
(4) their   KK[ðɛr]   DJ[ðɛə]
(1)6.[冠詞] 這      (1886)
(1) the   KK[ðə]   DJ[ðə]
(2) theater   KK[ˋθɪətɚ]   DJ[ˋθiətə]
(3) their   KK[ðɛr]   DJ[ðɛə]
(4) them   KK[ðɛm]   DJ[ðem]
(1)7.[名詞] 戲院;劇院      (1887)
(1) theater   KK[ˋθɪətɚ]   DJ[ˋθiətə]
(2) their   KK[ðɛr]   DJ[ðɛə]
(3) them   KK[ðɛm]   DJ[ðem]
(4) themselves   KK[ðəmˋsɛlvz]   DJ[ðəmˋselvz]
(1)8.[代名詞] (所有格) 他們的      (1888)
(1) their   KK[ðɛr]   DJ[ðɛə]
(2) them   KK[ðɛm]   DJ[ðem]
(3) themselves   KK[ðəmˋsɛlvz]   DJ[ðəmˋselvz]
(4) then   KK[ðɛn]   DJ[ðen]
(1)9.[代名詞] (受格) 他們      (1889)
(1) them   KK[ðɛm]   DJ[ðem]
(2) themselves   KK[ðəmˋsɛlvz]   DJ[ðəmˋselvz]
(3) then   KK[ðɛn]   DJ[ðen]
(4) there   KK[ðɛr]   DJ[ðɛə]
(1)10.[代名詞] (反身代名詞) 他(她,它)們自己      (1890)
(1) themselves   KK[ðəmˋsɛlvz]   DJ[ðəmˋselvz]
(2) then   KK[ðɛn]   DJ[ðen]
(3) there   KK[ðɛr]   DJ[ðɛə]
(4) therefore   KK[ˋðɛr͵for]   DJ[ˋðɛəfɔ:]
(1)11.[形容詞] 當時的; [副詞] 當時;之後;那麼      (1891)
(1) then   KK[ðɛn]   DJ[ðen]
(2) there   KK[ðɛr]   DJ[ðɛə]
(3) therefore   KK[ˋðɛr͵for]   DJ[ˋðɛəfɔ:]
(4) there's
(1)12.[副詞] 在那裡; [代名詞] (用以介紹動詞在主詞之前的句子或子句)      (1892)
(1) there   KK[ðɛr]   DJ[ðɛə]
(2) therefore   KK[ˋðɛr͵for]   DJ[ˋðɛəfɔ:]
(3) there's
(4) these   KK[ðiz]   DJ[ði:z]
(1)13.[副詞] 因此      (1893)
(1) therefore   KK[ˋðɛr͵for]   DJ[ˋðɛəfɔ:]
(2) there's
(3) these   KK[ðiz]   DJ[ði:z]
(4) they   KK[ðe]   DJ[ðei]
(1)14.[縮短形] there is; there has      (1894)
(1) there's
(2) these   KK[ðiz]   DJ[ði:z]
(3) they   KK[ðe]   DJ[ðei]
(4) they'd
(1)15.[形容詞] 這些 (this 的複數); [代名詞] 這些      (1895)
(1) these   KK[ðiz]   DJ[ði:z]
(2) they   KK[ðe]   DJ[ðei]
(3) they'd
(4) they'll
(1)16.[代名詞] 他們      (1896)
(1) they   KK[ðe]   DJ[ðei]
(2) they'd
(3) they'll
(4) they're
(1)17.[縮短形] they would      (1897)
(1) they'd
(2) they'll
(3) they're
(4) they've
(1)18.[縮短形] they will      (1898)
(1) they'll
(2) they're
(3) they've
(4) thick   KK[θɪk]   DJ[θik]
(1)19.[縮短形] they are      (1899)
(1) they're
(2) they've
(3) thick   KK[θɪk]   DJ[θik]
(4) thief   KK[θif]   DJ[θi:f]
(1)20.[縮短形] they have      (1900)
(1) they've
(2) thick   KK[θɪk]   DJ[θik]
(3) thief   KK[θif]   DJ[θi:f]
(4) thin   KK[θɪn]   DJ[θin]
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1小時內上線人數:123 人

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