L5 數量不定代名詞 文法題庫

開始測驗時間:2024-04-18 23:20:41
最新考題: 顧客關係管理企劃師題庫300題(任選50題)  色彩課本題庫  112年度不動產營業員試題【任選80題】 
考卷名稱.: L5 數量不定代名詞 文法題庫
字體大小:A  A  A  將未填答自動填: 1到4亂數   1   2   3   4  
( )1.All of my friends ________ good at playing video games.        (34)
( )2.There are two cats in the park. The white ________ is bigger.        (32)
( )3.________ of the cups is blue. This color is my favorite.        (10)
( )4.Some of the students ________ dancing after school.        (27)
(1)to practice
( )5.________ of the teachers say they love their jobs.        (40)
( )6.There are trees and flowers on ________ sides of the river. I like to take a walk there.        (17)
( )7.My sister went swimming last Saturday ________ herself.        (42)
( )8.Mom told me to prepare lunch and dinner by ________ last night.        (30)
( )9.________ of the girls in the classroom is my sister.        (28)
( )10.One of the boys ________ to be an actor.        (14)
(1)to want
( )11.________ of the salad in the supermarket isn’t cheap.        (44)
( )12.Much of the water in the river ________ clean.        (29)
( )13.Most of ________ in this store taste delicious, but I don’t buy them very often.        (13)
(1)the cookies
(4)the cookie 
( )14.________ of Mary and Ruby________ in Taiwan.        (33)
( )15.________ of the food in the restaurant ________ delicious.        (41)
( )16.________ of my students go to the gym to play basketball every afternoon.        (12)
(3)A little 
( )17.All of the money in the bag ________ Linda’s.        (4)
( )18.________ of his feet got hurt when he played basketball yesterday.        (3)
( )19.One of the boys in our class ________ from the USA.        (43)
(2)to come
( )20.________ of the fruit is expensive.        (11)

1小時內上線人數:226 人

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