
開始測驗時間:2024-04-25 22:45:08
最新考題: 旅館資訊系統規劃師題庫151題(亂數選70)  2019財富管理規劃師筆試題庫387題(任選80題)  BI規劃師題庫290題(任選70題) 
考卷名稱.: 南一八下第六課文法
字體大小:A  A  A  將未填答自動填: 1到4亂數   1   2   3   4  
( )1. I feel the bus ______. Let’s get ready for it.        (4)
(4)is coming
( )2. Hank feels the teacher ______ from his office.        (18)
(2)is coming
(3)will come 
( )3. Wendy and I are watching our teacher ______ happily.        (10)
(3)will smile 
( )4. We will hear the birds ______ when we are in the mountains.        (21)
(1)is singing 
(3)will sing 
( )5. Henry likes to go to take a hot spring(溫泉)______ it’s a hot and sunny day.        (8)
( )6. I won’t go to the movie with you if it ______ tomorrow.        (9)
(2)will rain 
(3)is raining 
( )7. Willy: If Ben ______ you, please remind him to bring his notebook with him. I need it to write my homework(筆記型電腦).Gordon: OK.        (22)
(1)is calling
(4)will call 
( )8. I ______ be angry if you don’t go to the library with me tomorrow.        (12)
(3)am mot
( )9. If I ______ study hard, I will not get good grades.        (2)
( )10. Louis heard me ______ in the classroom yesterday.        (16)
(2)was singing 
( )11. I listened to them ______ the violin happily.        (7)
(1)will play
(2)are playing 
( )12. I will buy more books if I ______ a lot of money.        (15)
(1)will have 
( )13. I won’t go to the party ______ I don’t finish my English homework tonight.        (17)
( )14. We will sell the fruit at the school fair(校慶)if everyone ______ to eat it.        (19)
(1)will like 
(2)is liking
( )15. ______ Ruby doesn’t like city life, she still lives in it because her office is in a city.        (1)
( )16. I see my sister ______ computer games when I go home every day.        (13)
(1)will play 
( )17. My brother saw the star ______ in the sky yesterday.        (3)
(3)will shine 
( )18. ______ it’s not summer, it is still hot today.        (20)
( )19. I still keep a diary(寫日記)every day ______ I feel tired after a long day.        (14)
( )20. If she goes to the department store earlier, she ______ a little gift.        (6)
(1)was getting
(4)will get 

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