考卷名稱:L5 數量不定代名詞 文法題庫
字體大小:A  A  A 
(2)1.I will invite ________ of my friends for dinner on New Year’s Eve.       (1)
(1) much 
(2) some 
(3) every 
(4) any
詳解:some of my friends 我的一些朋友,any用於疑問或否定。
(3)2.________ of my students live(居住)far away from school, so they can’t come to school on time like the others.       (2)
(1) One 
(2) All 
(3) Some 
(4) Much
(2)3.Adam: Do you have a computer?Kurt: Not yet, but I plan to get ________.       (7)
(1) it 
(2) one 
(3) them 
(4) ones
詳解:one用來代替前面的a computer。
(3)4.________ of the fruit is expensive.       (11)
(1) Both 
(2) Many 
(3) Some 
(4) Every
(2)5.________ of my students go to the gym to play basketball every afternoon.       (12)
(1) One 
(2) Several 
(3) A little 
(4) Everyone
(4)6.Most of ________ in this store taste delicious, but I don’t buy them very often.       (13)
(1) cookie 
(2) cookies 
(3) the cookie 
(4) the cookies
(2)7.My bike was broken last week. Yesterday my dad bought me a new ________.       (16)
(1) it 
(2) one 
(3) other 
(4) the other
(2)8.Richard: How is the food made?Clerk: ________ of the food is handmade(手工的).       (18)
(1) One 
(2) All 
(3) Both 
(4) Many
(1)9.________ of the students in my class play basketball.       (20)
(1) Many 
(2) Much 
(3) Any 
(4) One
(3)10.One of ________ wants to be an engineer.       (21)
(1) the student 
(2) students 
(3) them 
(4) student
詳解:one of the students=one of them
(1)11.________ of the students in our school has to get into their classroom at 7 every morning.       (24)
(1) Each 
(2) All 
(3) Most 
(4) Every
詳解:has to 主詞應是單數。
(4)12.Not all of the foreign teachers here come from the USA. Only ________ do.       (26)
(1) each of them 
(2) much of them 
(3) both of them 
(4) some of them
(1)13.Some of the students ________ dancing after school.       (27)
(1) practice 
(2) practices 
(3) practicing 
(4) to practice
詳解:主詞some of the students為複數,後面加上原形動詞。
(4)14.Much of the water in the river ________ clean.       (29)
(1) am 
(2) be 
(3) are 
(4) is
詳解:主詞much of the water為不可數,視為單數,故be動詞用is。
(2)15.There are two cats in the park. The white ________ is bigger.       (32)
(1) them 
(2) one 
(3) it 
(4) ones
(1)16. ________ of the money on the table is Rick’s.       (35)
(1) Much 
(2) Many 
(3) Both 
(4) Three
(1)17.Many people drive to work by ________.       (36)
(1) themselves 
(2) ourselves 
(3) them 
(4) us
詳解:many people的代名詞為they,又其反身代名詞為 themselves。
(3)18.The orange balls are bigger than the white ________.       (38)
(1) it 
(2) one 
(3) ones 
(4) them
(2)19.________ of the books are old. I need to throw ________ away.       (39)
(1) Much;ones 
(2) Some; them 
(3) Some; ones 
(4) Much;them
(4)20.Mr. Lai: Your son’s picture is great! Did you draw for him?John: No, he drew it _______ all night yesterday.      (48)
(1) he 
(2) his 
(3) him 
(4) himself
詳解:從第一句的Did you draw for him?得知John的兒子因為畫得太讚了,以致於Mr. Lai有點懷疑是當爸爸的幫兒子畫,但John的說明No,即已點出「是他自己昨晚畫整夜的結果」,故最適當的答案是(D)。
考卷名稱:L5 數量不定代名詞 文法題庫
字體大小:A  A  A 
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