
開始測驗時間:2024-07-27 08:51:10
最新考題: 154004A16托育人員784題(任選80題)  WU01-單字41-60  WU01-單字21-40 
考卷名稱.: (1801-1900-100)-【初級】全民英檢單字選擇測驗(中文選英文)
字體大小:A  A  A  將未填答自動填: 1到4亂數   1   2   3   4  
( )1.[形容詞] 甜的; [名詞] (餐後的)甜點;(用作稱呼語)親愛的,寶貝       (1836)
(1)I don't know
( )2.[名詞] 台中       (1843)
(2)I don't know
( )3.[名詞] 溫度       (1871)
(5)I don't know
( )4.[名詞] 感恩節       (1883)
(2)I don't know
( )5.[名詞] 晚餐       (1824)
(4)I don't know
( )6.[冠詞] 這       (1886)
(5)I don't know
( )7.[副詞] 因此       (1893)
(2)I don't know
( )8.[副詞] 意外地;忽然;冷不防       (1814)
(1)I don't know
( )9.[動詞] 掙扎;對抗; [名詞] 使勁;掙扎       (1803)
(4)I don't know
( )10.[名詞] 計程車       (1859)
(3)I don't know
( )11.[形容詞] 晴朗的       (1821)
(4)I don't know
( )12.[介系詞] 比; 超過; [連接詞] 比較       (1881)
(1)I don't know
( )13.[代名詞] (受格) 他們       (1889)
(3)I don't know
( )14.[名詞] 太陽       (1819)
(3)I don't know
( )15.[名詞] 成功       (1810)
(2)I don't know
( )16.[動詞] 嘗; [名詞] 味道,滋味;體驗;風雅;得體;興趣       (1858)
(1)I don't know
( )17.[名詞] 桌子;表,目錄       (1842)
(4)I don't know
( )18.[形容詞] 驚訝的       (1831)
(4)I don't know
( )19.[形容詞] 如此的; [代名詞] 這樣的人(或事物);上述的人(或事物)       (1812)
(4)I don't know
( )20.[動詞] 適合;相稱;彼此協調; [名詞] 一套衣服;訴訟       (1817)
(1)I don't know
( )21.[形容詞] 高的       (1852)
(5)I don't know
( )22.[動詞] 把...稱為,把...叫做; [名詞] 術語;學期       (1876)
(2)I don't know
( )23.[動詞] 搖擺;揮動; [名詞] 鞦韆;搖擺音樂       (1839)
(3)I don't know
( )24.[動詞] 試驗;測驗; [名詞] 測驗;考試       (1879)
(2)I don't know
( )25.[代名詞] 他們       (1896)
(4)I don't know
( )26.[動詞] 建議       (1816)
(4)I don't know
( )27.[副詞] 在那裡; [代名詞] (用以介紹動詞在主詞之前的句子或子句)       (1892)
(2)I don't know
( )28.[名詞] 符號;象徵       (1840)
(5)I don't know
( )29.[動詞] 支持; [名詞] 支持       (1826)
(2)I don't know
( )30.[名詞] 網球       (1874)
(2)I don't know
( )31.[動詞] 教       (1861)
(3)Teacher's Day
(5)I don't know
( )32.[動詞] 用帶子捆紮;用錄音帶為...錄音(或影); [名詞] 錄音帶;錄影帶;膠帶       (1855)
(2)I don't know
( )33.[名詞] 十幾歲孩子       (1867)
(4)I don't know
( )34.[名詞] 夏天       (1818)
(5)I don't know
( )35.[動詞] 掃       (1835)
(5)I don't know
( )36.[動詞] 講話; [名詞] 談話;交談;空話;話題;談判       (1850)
(3)I don't know
( )37.[名詞] 戲院;劇院       (1887)
(2)I don't know
( )38.[形容詞] 非常好的;可怕的       (1878)
(5)I don't know
( )39.[名詞] 糖       (1815)
(5)I don't know
( )40.[形容詞] 突然的; [名詞] 突然發生的事       (1813)
(3)I don't know
( )41.[形容詞] 臺灣的,臺灣人的; [名詞] 臺灣人       (1847)
(5)I don't know
( )42.[動詞] 拿;帶;採用       (1848)
(1)I don't know
( )43.[名詞] 台灣       (1846)
(3)I don't know
( )44.[形容詞] 這些 (this 的複數); [代名詞] 這些       (1895)
(5)I don't know
( )45.[名詞] 台南       (1845)
(3)I don't know
( )46.[形容詞] 成功的       (1811)
(2)I don't know
( )47.[名詞] 隊       (1864)
(3)I don't know
( )48.[動詞] 打電話,通電話; [名詞] 電話       (1868)
(5)I don't know
( )49.[名詞] 泳衣       (1838)
(1)I don't know
( )50.[代名詞] (反身代名詞) 他(她,它)們自己       (1890)
(1)I don't know
( )51.[形容詞] 那;那個; [副詞] 那樣,那麼; [連接詞] 以致; [代名詞] 那人;那事       (1884)
(3)I don't know
( )52.[名詞] 茶壺       (1865)
(3)I don't know
( )53.[動詞] 在...之後仍然活著       (1832)
(5)I don't know
( )54.[名詞] 系統       (1841)
(4)I don't know
( )55.[形容詞] 可怕的       (1877)
(1)I don't know
( )56.[縮短形] that is       (1885)
(1)I don't know
( )57.[形容詞] 確定; [副詞] 的確;一定;當然       (1827)
(5)I don't know
( )58.[形容詞] 當時的; [副詞] 當時;之後;那麼       (1891)
(3)I don't know
( )59.[縮短形] they would       (1897)
(2)I don't know
( )60.[名詞] 教科書       (1880)
(4)I don't know
( )61.[名詞] 橘子       (1853)
(1)I don't know
( )62.[名詞] 老師       (1862)
(2)Teacher's Day
(5)I don't know
( )63.[名詞] 電視       (1869)
(4)I don't know
( )64.[縮短形] there is; there has       (1894)
(3)I don't know
( )65.[名詞] 地鐵       (1808)
(4)I don't know
( )66.[動詞] 撕; [名詞] 眼淚       (1866)
(4)I don't know
( )67.[縮短形] they will       (1898)
(2)I don't know
( )68.[名詞] 廟宇;神殿       (1872)
(4)I don't know
( )69.[形容詞] 十的; [名詞] 十       (1873)
(1)I don't know
( )70.[動詞] 使驚奇; [名詞] 意外之事物       (1830)
(2)I don't know
( )71.[動詞] 感謝; [名詞] 感謝;謝意;謝辭       (1882)
(2)I don't know
( )72.[形容詞] 好說話的       (1851)
(1)I don't know
( )73.[縮短形] they are       (1899)
(4)I don't know
( )74.[名詞] 槽;坦克       (1854)
(1)I don't know
( )75.[動詞] 衝浪;在網路或頻道上搜索資料; [名詞] 海浪       (1828)
(3)I don't know
( )76.[名詞] 任務;工作       (1857)
(1)I don't know
( )77.[動詞] 把...作為目標(或對象); [名詞] 目標       (1856)
(5)I don't know
( )78.[名詞] 超級市場       (1823)
(3)I don't know
( )79.[代名詞] (所有格) 他們的       (1888)
(1)I don't know
( )80.[名詞] 時尚;風格;文體       (1807)
(3)I don't know
( )81.[動詞] 告訴       (1870)
(2)I don't know
( )82.[動詞] 供給,供應; [名詞] 生活用品;補給品       (1825)
(4)I don't know
( )83.[形容詞] 強壯的       (1802)
(2)I don't know
( )84.[動詞] 游泳       (1837)
(1)I don't know
( )85.[名詞] 表面       (1829)
(4)I don't know
( )86.[名詞] 茶       (1860)
(2)Teacher's Day
(3)I don't know
( )87.[動詞] 打擊;(鐘)敲響; [名詞] 攻擊;罷工       (1801)
(5)I don't know
( )88.[名詞] 尾巴       (1844)
(1)I don't know
( )89.[名詞] 星期日       (1820)
(1)I don't know
( )90.[名詞] 天鵝       (1833)
(4)I don't know
( )91.[名詞] 天才       (1849)
(3)I don't know
( )92.[動詞] 學習;讀書; [名詞] 書房       (1805)
(1)I don't know
( )93.[縮短形] they have       (1900)
(4)I don't know
( )94.[名詞] 學生       (1804)
(3)I don't know
( )95.[片語] 教師節       (1863)
(1)Teacher's Day
(5)I don't know
( )96.[形容詞] 笨的       (1806)
(3)I don't know
( )97.[動詞] 成功       (1809)
(5)I don't know
( )98.[名詞] 帳篷       (1875)
(5)I don't know
( )99.[形容詞] 超級的; [副詞] 很;極       (1822)
(2)I don't know
( )100.[名詞] 毛衣       (1834)
(2)I don't know

1小時內上線人數:246 人

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