W3Schools jQuery Quiz

開始測驗時間:2024-04-26 15:02:49
最新考題: 旅館資訊系統規劃師題庫151題(亂數選70)  2019財富管理規劃師筆試題庫387題(任選80題)  BI規劃師題庫290題(任選70題) 
考卷名稱.: W3Schools jQuery Quiz
字體大小:A  A  A  將未填答自動填: 1到4亂數   1   2   3   4  
( )1.Which jQuery function is used to prevent code from running, before the document is finished loading?       (16)
(3)I don't know
( )2.Look at the following selector: $("p#intro"). What does it select?       (21)
(1)The p element with id="intro"
(2)All p elements with class="intro"
(5)I don't know
( )3.What is the correct jQuery code to set the background color of all p elements to red?       (8)
(4)I don't know
( )4.Which jQuery method is used to remove selected elements?       (22)
(4)I don't know
(5)Both methods can be used
( )5.Look at the following selector: $(":disabled"). What does it select?       (23)
(1)All hidden elements
(2)All elements that does not contain the text "disabled"
(3)I don't know
(4)All disabled input elements
(5)All elements containing the text "disabled"
( )6.Look at the following selector: $("div"). What does it select?       (4)
(3)I don't know
(4)All div elements
(5)The first div element
( )7.Is jQuery a library for client scripting or server scripting?       (5)
(3)I don't know
(4)Server scripting
(5)Client scripting
( )8.The jQuery animate() method can be used to animate ANY CSS property?       (25)
(1)Only properties containing numeric values
(2)All properties except the shorthand properties
(4)I don't know
( )9.Which of the following is correct?       (1)
(2)I don't know
(3)jQuery is a JavaScript Library
(4)jQuery is a JSON Library
( )10.What scripting language is jQuery written in?       (15)
(2)I don't know
( )11.Which sign does jQuery use as a shortcut for jQuery?       (3)
(1) the ? Sign
(2)the % sign
(3)the $ sign
(5)I don't know
( )12.Look at the following selector: $("div p"). What does it select?       (19)
(1)All div elements with a p element
(3)I don't know
(4)All p elements inside a div element
(5)The first p element inside a div element
( )13.What is the correct jQuery code for making all div elements 100 pixels high?       (13)
(5)I don't know
( )14.With jQuery, look at the following selector: $("div.intro"). What does it select?       (9)
(1)I don't know
(2)All div elements with class="intro"
(3)The first div element with class="intro"
(4)All div elements with id="intro"
(5) The first div element with id="intro"
( )15.Which jQuery method is used to hide selected elements?       (10)
(3)I don't know
(4) visible(false)
( )16.Which jQuery method is used to set one or more style properties for selected elements?       (11)
(4)I don't know
( )17.Which jQuery method returns the direct parent element of the selected element?       (24)
(2)I don't know
( )18.The jQuery html() method works for both HTML and XML documents       (7)
(3)I don't know
(4) False
( )19.Which jQuery method should be used to deal with name conflicts?       (17)
(4)I don't know
( )20.Which jQuery method is used to switch between adding/removing one or more classes (for CSS) from selected elements?       (18)
(1)I don't know
( )21.Which jQuery method is used to perform an asynchronous HTTP request?       (12)
(1)I don't know
( )22.Is it possible to use jQuery together with AJAX?       (6)
(1)I don't know
( )23. Is jQuery a W3C standard?       (20)
(1)I don't know
( )24. jQuery uses CSS selectors to select elements?       (2)
(2)I don't know
( )25.Which statement is true?       (14)
(1)To use jQuery, you can refer to a hosted jQuery library at Google
(3)I don't know
(4)To use jQuery, you do not have to do anything. Most browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and Opera) have the jQuery library built in the browser
(5)To use jQuery, you must buy the jQuery library at www.jquery.com

1小時內上線人數:301 人

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